Saturday, December 12, 2015

Blended Families

This week in class we learned about blended families and how blended families can adjust to the circumstances effectively. We learned how when two families become one they can bring some emotional baggage into the family. And we learned how the family can effectively ease the emotional burdens. Forming two families into one can be stressful and may take a long time and a lot of patience, but it is most definitely not impossibles. It is a beautiful thing when two families join together, through marriage or other various ways, as one learning to love and support each other.My teacher, Professor William, feels very strongly towards blended families because he is apart of one. He has taken on a lot of responsibilities and those things have made his into a great step-father, father and husband. He and his family is an amazing example of how many great and beautiful things can spring from knowing how to grow a blended family. It took time, love, forgiveness and patience to strength and bond his family together, but his and his families efforts have brought forth so astounding blessings.

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