Saturday, October 17, 2015

Divine Differences

Being different and using your differences to serve those around you is beautiful. We all have differences as individual people but the main differences I will be talking about are the ones between men and women.
Gender is a divine blessing and it holds a divine purpose for us all. Instead of viewing our gender differences as a negative thing, we should view them as a positive thing. The differences between being male and female compliment each other and can produce quite remarkable results when they uses their differences to accomplish something. For example when a man and woman raise their family by bringing their unique talents to the table they create an amazing environment of learning for their children.
My mom taught me how to use my emotional sensitivity in a positive way by using it to have compassion towards others, especially when you don't understand their situation. My dad taught me how to accomplish a single goal at a time, like catching a fish, by being very patient and focusing on the task at hand. I would have never learned these life long lessons if my parents didn't appreciate and apply their unique talents to their parenting approach.
In the end males and females have more similarities then differences. We all rely on the necessities of life, support, love and acceptance from others to survive and thrive.
Be the best you that you can be. Use your different strengthens as a male/female to edify and uplift your fellow brothers and sisters around you. When we work together instead of tearing each other's gender's down, we will be able to teach and be taught by each other.

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