Saturday, November 21, 2015

A Special Gift...

As a growing child, my parents always made a special effort to raise our family in an open environment. When my sibling and I ever had a question, we could always ask our parents, who never responded in a judgmental way, but in a loving way. Because of the loving and safe environment my parents raised my family in, I have been blessed with good knowledge and protected in many ways from worldly lies and myths. Especially when it came to the topic of sex and sexual intimacy. This is a hushed topic in many households and I understand why it would be. It is a very special gift that we have been given by our Father in Heaven himself. It is sacred and special. But the world around us has prevented and corrupted this sacred topic. And when raising children in this world we cannot risk hushing this topic, because sooner or later they will learn about it somewhere, whether it be the truth or false lies. When learning about this topic it is very important to what know source the information is coming from. 
Being raised in the Church of Jesus Christ, as a young woman, I was always told to keep myself pure and clean, to not even think about sex, and to just flat out not even go near the whole idea whether it be mentally, physically or verbally. I knew having sex before marriage was bad, but for the longest time I never knew why. Tell your children the why. Please don't leave them wondering. 
I know that being sexually pure brings some of the most amazing blessings into your life. It has helped me avoid serious heart-ache and devastation. Sexually intimacy is a beautiful gift, when you unwrap it at the right time and under the right circumstances, which is marriage, make sure you unwrap it slowly and in a gentle mentality. Because when you do, you and your spouse will be able to share this special gift that is just between you and them. 
Also remember that sexual purity is not just a one time thing. You can become sexually pure at any time in your life, not matter what has occurred in the past. We are never lost to this beautiful gift and blessings it holds, and we can thank Jesus Christ and His saving atonement for that.

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