Monday, November 23, 2015

Tragedy or Opportunity?

Every family experiences stressful and difficult times or situations, we call this a family crisis. The word crisis is interesting when written in the Chinese language, because it is two different words put together, danger and opportunity. When a family experiences a crisis they have a choice to either react or act. Crisis' are called dangerous opportunities because depending on how you react/act you can either cease this opportunity to grow closer as a family unit or you can separate and be further spread apart as a family unit.
It is enviable for a family to run into stress and crisis. And you can't always control what happens to your family, nut you can always control how to act when these dangerous opportunities show up. And when you act in a way that is loving, patient, understanding and courageous, you will be acting to bring your family closer, which is a beautiful thing.
Look at stress, trials and hardship as opportunities for growth. I know that when you have the mind-set of hope and courage to cease these challenges you and your family will come to find that they where in fact great blessings.

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