Wednesday, November 25, 2015


In class this week we discussed communication within marriage and family. Where there are communication problems there are communication opportunities. We all see and understand things differently which can make communication between two people difficult. But the medium you use to communicate can make things even more difficult. A medium is whatever you are using to communicate your message to a person, for example texting, email, phone calls, verbal(face-to-face), body language etc. are all communication media. Everything we do sends a message, you can never not communicate a message. A study put together three categories of communication, words, tone and non-verbal ques. If you are using all three of these media you are using 100% of your available communicate. Using just words is 14% of communication, just tone is 35%, and just non-verbal ques is 51%. When we use media like texting and emailing, we are only utilizing 14% of our potential communication. This is why the type of media you use to communicate a message can make the message more difficult for the person to understand because you may not be utilizing all your tools available. I suggest if you need to communicate you should try your best to use all of your tools available to help make your message clearer for the one receiving it.

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